MS Excel Tutorial About Round, RoundDown and RoundUp Function

Round, RoundDown and RoundUp Function in Excel

In Excel there are different way to round the number. The Round function Rounding the decimal value by comparing the number on the Right of Rounding digit. if this digit is grater then 5 then the rounding digit increase one time if not then it remain the same. On the other hand Roundup always increase the number on the right side of the rounding digit one time. where ROUNDDOWN function always leaves the rounding digit unchanged regardless of the value of the number to its right.

For example :

If we have a number 34.5327 and we want to round it up to two digit.

We apply Round function

=Round(34.5327 , 2) as the number on the right side of rounding digit is 3 which is less then 5 . So Round Remove last two digit after decimal point and leaves the number unchanged.

When we apply Roundup

=RoundUp(34.5327 , 2) This function always increase the right number of rounding digit one time with out comparing it with value.

When we apply RoundDown

=RoundUp(34.5327 , 2) This function always leaves the rounding digit unchanged regardless of the value of the number to its right.


if we change the number 34.5367. its mean that the right number of the rounding digit is now 6 which is grater then 5 so the result is :

We apply Round function

=Round(34.5367 , 2) as the number on the right side of rounding digit is 6 which is grater then 5 . So Round Remove last two digit after decimal point and increase the last number one time and provide the result 34.54.

When we apply Roundup

=RoundUp(34.5367 , 2) This function always increase the right number of rounding digit one time with out comparing it with value.

When we apply RoundDown

=RoundUp(34.5327 , 2)  This function always leaves the rounding digit unchanged regardless of the value of the number to its right.
